The student COMBINED textbooks are provided for each grade, K-8, and each domain. The math journal contains the write on pages from the textbook and is sold so that a master set of textbooks can be maintained for each year in school and a small annual cost paid for each student and any responses by students are written into the journal.
Each book includes content for Assessment, STEM project cross references, Understanding Math through Art, Leveled workbook and critical thinking activities, Amelia Rose cross curricula investigations including a problem solving aligned math activity, and homework. STEM project content is within the STEM project guide. Real life scenarios show students why math is important and is required in every day lives. The STEAM project based learning approach is inclusive; watch as students rise up using these hands-on activities.
Student Math Journal – Grade 1 Measurement and Data and Geometry
The Creative Core Curriculum in Mathematics with STEM, Literacy and Arts, K-8 was developed to provide a curriculum that would promote experientially based, hands-on learning for students. K-5 students books are available in Spanish.
It gives teachers an alternative to traditional teaching approaches that primarily rely on teacher-directed strategies in which students are passive learners and that typically assess students learning by how well they can recall specific facts or robotically demonstrate specific skills. The Creative Core Curriculum engages students in their learning and assesses attainment by evaluating how well they can apply the concepts and skills they develop to new situations. Content is arranged either in by grade, by domain, COMBINED books containing STEM, Traditional, Arts, Amelia Rose, and assessments, or can be purchased by individual books as successfully presented for State adoption in California. To ease your review the books in the store are provided in both formats. This area is showing COMBINED books.
The Creative Core Curriculum consists of a series of activities that address Common Core Content in Mathematics. Each activity within the STEM Project Guide for each grade is carefully designed to allow students the opportunity to experience how the Common Core is utilized to solve science, technology, and engineering (STEM) challenges. Although this text is primarily focused on mathematics content, it is often delivered in a science, engineering, or technological (STEM) context. This curriculum places a strong emphasis on problem solving, uses the learning cycle approach to assure that students are actively engaged in the learning process and makes frequent use of student group work. Traditional lesson plans, including focus on teaching literacy with numeracy, arts projects, reader book activities and assessments are all within the printed texts. Online assessment, reteach and advanced library content provide additional projects to use within school, or for after school or summer programs. The 'Creative Core Curriculum for Mathematics STEAM' program is built with the intent to enhance the Mathematics learning and teaching in schools. By aligning to the requirements of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and PARCC we enable teachers and parents to assist students in the application of Mathematic content, and the preparation for and passing of tests.
The program has been built through a collaborative effort of partner companies, each of which have expertise in Mathematics instructional design. All companies share a commitment to inquiry and activity-based instruction. The diversity of the writers and their perspectives ensures that the material is inclusive. Please ensure you review the description for each component as you review this program.
Format | Softback Black & White |
State | National |
STEAM Program | > Mathematics |
Grade | Elementary, Grade 1 |