Financial Literacy Teacher Edition Grade 6 – Grade 8


TPS Publishing Inc. and partners have constructed the 'Creative Mathematics Curriculum with STEM, Literacy and Arts' program with the intent to enhance the Mathematics learning and teaching in schools in your state. Through adhering to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills break outs for Mathematics, the program presents Mathematics as a way of thinking and learning, incorporating literacy skills necessary for academic success in acquiring Mathematics as an academic language. The program has been built through a collaborative effort by several companies, each of which have expertise in Mathematics instructional design. They share a commitment to activity-based instruction. The diversity of writers and their perspectives ensures that the material is fully inclusive.

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ISBN: 978 1 84700 816 9 State: Subjects: ,

Financial literacy is a hugely important subject. Without correct guidance school leavers can struggle to make sensible choices regarding their own financial arrangements. This component addresses these areas covered within the TEKS with interesting activities which are relevant to all students. Looking at income and expenditure in early grades and moving on to comparisons of interest rates and the use of credit cards this component demonstrates how important Mathematics can be in everyday life.


Softback Black & White



STEAM Program

> Mathematics, > Texas Mathematics (Proclamation 2014)


Teacher Edition Book


Middle School, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8