
Creative Science Curriculum – Physical Science – Middle School Teacher Edition


The STEAM topical program provides by discipline STEAM projects based upon our belief that people learn best by doing.
Reading is doing; watching teachers present is doing; working in groups and being directed by teachers is doing. However, TPS believe the best way to start learning is where the student has to think outside the box and work in small collaborative groups;
the students use critical thinking to master new concepts. TPS has therefore provided a STEAM, project-based learning program, written from scratch, to exactly align to NGSS requirements, and each grade has Life, Physical and Earth Science books.
All learning starts in each area of science with a STEM project. TPS partner with CeMaST, Illinois State University, a leading STEM university. CeMaST professors have been developing this type of instructional material for over 25 years. Traditional teachers may have initial concerns about the transition from prior Science standards and delivery of a STEAM program. TPS provide personalized support and pacing together with personalized materials kits. TPS asks that you be open to new pedagogy.
This program is built as a topical program. It is STEAM program and thereby does encompass all strands of science, technology, engineering, arts and math within it. All content is aligned to NGSS, Common Core Math, ELA, Arts and Safety standards. Components include teacher and student by discipline textbooks containing STEM, Traditional, Arts and assessments by DCI/SEP/CCC. Online and printed assessments include science makers, arts projects, open ended and multiple by DCI/SEP/CCC written and verbal assessments, with rubrics. Please read about each component by visiting the description and additional information below.

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The teacher textbook for each discipline in each grade contains STEAM projects, Traditional expository text, and assessments. The content explains the new standards in NGSS, and provides sample pacing plans but please note TPS support you throughout the school year using a toll free number. Each textbook contains a cross reference to the STEM Project Guide which we propose is used for conceptual learning, Science Is A Verb lab content (seeing is believing), Traditional science expository text by performance standard, key words to learn, a Math Challenge, Literacy Challenge, and Homework. To deepen understanding and provide visual and tactile assessment, TPS provide Science Through Art, Creative Arts, Word Wall, Natural Science, Amelia Rose reader activity book lesson plans, Science Maker, Tiered Assessment and Focus Tutorial. TPS provide a crosscutting concept library and a student safety and investigation library. A series of reader activity books is included online. Reteach and advanced libraries are available and cross referenced. The STEAM topical program provides multiple by discipline STEAM projects based upon our belief that people learn best by doing.
Reading is doing; watching teachers present is doing; working in groups and being directed by teachers is doing. However, TPS believe the best way to start learning is where the student has to think outside the box and work in small collaborative groups;
the students use critical thinking to master new concepts. TPS has therefore provided a STEAM, project-based learning program, written from scratch, to exactly align to NGSS requirements, and each grade has Life, Physical and Earth Science books.
All learning starts in each area of science with a STEM project. TPS partner with CeMaST, Illinois State University, a leading STEM university. CeMaST professors have been developing this type of instructional material for over 25 years. Traditional teachers may have initial concerns about the transition from prior Science standards and delivery of a STEAM program. TPS provide personalized support and pacing together with personalized materials kits. TPS asks that you be open to new pedagogy.
This program is built as a topical program. It is STEAM program and thereby does encompass all strands of science, technology, engineering, arts and math within it. All content is aligned to NGSS, Common Core Math, ELA, Arts and Safety standards. Components include teacher and student by discipline textbooks containing STEM, Traditional, Arts and assessments by DCI/SEP/CCC. Online and printed assessments include science makers, arts projects, open ended and multiple by DCI/SEP/CCC written and verbal assessments, with rubrics.


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California, National

STEAM Program

> Science, > Next Generation Science Standards – Topical (Creative Science Curriculum)


Teacher Edition Book


Middle School, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8